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Free Enterprise Shopping Cart Software.

Our full featured Shopping cart software includes all of the features of much more well known solutions such as shoppify, ez-cart, woo-commerce, cs-cart and others. But is written in open source code and comes with fetures that cost many time more than others. Also it elliminates page blocking issues that some have with PHP output buffering techniques(woo-comerce, cs-cart and others)...output buffering slows pages and should be ellinated as much as possible. Rather than using output buffering for our content as others do we only use it when needed...basically with our proprietary page builder wizard...for content around the results of a page request.

We also have easy to use wizards that allow you to visualise what a new product, gallery, bundle or variation will look like before you post it.

Our Software works directly with our POS, Auction and Marketplace software either as an API or as a direct solution

Like the rest of our software we also offer third party API integrations like Quickbooks, Saleforce and Hubspot to name a few.

Our software is more current than our competitors and follows all modern standards for coding practices, technologies, security and more. Meaning if customisations are needed then your team or we can quickly implement changes that are necessary for your project. Our competitors can take weeks to months for custom programming...we can do advanced custom programming in just a few days at most. Meaning you can safely launch your project much faster and start earning money prior to doing major updates or adding more custom features.

Our software can be used on a direct website or used as an API with a single line of javascript on any existing website, Wordpress, Drupal or any other location you wish to use it.

We only use vanilla javascript methods, since jQuery and many other frontend frameworks can add seconds to page load speeds...our pages usually load in uder 1 second. Which means better SEO rankings and more satisfied customers for you.

Add our Marketplace software as an addon and allow third party sellers to use your system to improve your own revenues, rankings an interactions

Add our Point Of Sale Solution for Brick and Mortar retail and restaurant sales and for more delivery options.


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